Worst Foods for Skin Rashes

Worst Foods for Skin Rashes

Skin rashes are a temporary inflammation or irritation of someone’s skin. Someone suffering from skin rashes will typically find the patch of skin becomes increasingly itchy, sore or even painful over time. It’s typically marked by reddened, inflamed or even scaly patches of skin on one’s body. More persistent forms of rashes are often a symptom of eczema. Rashes can occur for a variety of different reasons, however, sometimes the following foods are often the culprit:

1. Citrus fruits
Citrus is an important source of nutrients for many people. However, it’s important to keep in mind that what’s healthy for one person can often be harmful for another. The reason often comes down to subtle, or not so subtle, food allergies. It’s quite common for people to have food allergies without even knowing it. In the case of citrus this will usually involve an allergen called myroxylon pereirae. Most people can handle this substance without any issues. However, people sensitive to it can suffer rashes or various other symptoms of eczema.

2. Dairy
Dairy (or casein) allergies are quite common. Humans are a rare exception to the way most animals relate to milk. The vast majority of mammals stop drinking milk as they pass out of infancy. As this happens they lose their ability to digest the substance. Many humans don’t experience this effect. However, just as many people do find themselves unable to properly handle milk and related substances as they grow older. This often results in rashes which they aren’t even aware are linked to digestive issues.

3. Gluten or wheat
Gluten free foods have become more popular in recent years for a very good reason. It’s incredibly common for people to have minor allergies to the substance. This typically is just severe enough to cause rashes and the like. However, as with many food allergies people often experience subtle enough symptoms that they don’t recognize which foods are the underlying cause.

4. Soy
People often assume that soy is only found in products named after the substance. However, it’s actually an incredibly common ingredient within a wide number of different products. It’s also a very common allergen. People often consume the substance without even knowing it’s a part of their diet. As such, it’s always a good idea to look at the ingredients in any given meal to see if this potential allergen might be in it.

5. Cinnamon
Spices are often incredibly complex on a molecular level. What’s more, each one is usually considerably different than the next. A well stocked kitchen may well have dozens of different kinds on display. And any of these incredibly varied ingredients might make their way into a meal. It’s little wonder that allergies involving them are both common and difficult to track down. If someone is suffering from rashes they should check to see if any flavoring ingredients keep coming up as a shared variable between rash breakouts.

6. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are another common ingredient in a wide variety of different dishes. And of course they’re also the main ingredient in ketchup. This means that people are often ingesting the potentially irritating salicylates and amines found in the plant. What’s more, it even contains MSG. Most people will have no trouble handling the plant. However, it’s a common enough source of rashes that people should try cutting it out of their diet to see if their eczema improves.

7. Nuts
Nuts are a great source of nutrients. They deliver a caloric payload full of protein and a wide variety of healthy nutrients. However, they’re also a very common allergen. Peanuts are a particularly common source of rashes. However, almost any type of nut has the potential to trigger allergic reactions. This can include triggering rashes and other symptoms of e