Human Foods That can Harm Pets

Human Foods That can Harm Pets

While your pet cat or dog is an important family member, you cannot feed them the foods we humans eat. Surprisingly, healthy foods for humans can be bad or downright toxic for your cat or dog. That’s because these pets have rates of metabolism that are very different from ours. The way our body breaks down energy differs significantly from the way pets’ bodies work.

Knowing various human foods that can be a threat to your pets is very important in ensuring their overall health and wellbeing. It’s advisable to discuss with your vet before you decide to feed your pet any human food.

Chocolate, coffee, and caffeine
All the three food items contain methylxanthines found in their original sources like coffee beans and in the nuts of an extract. This substance can cause an allergic reaction in your pets and can cause abdominal discomfort/pain, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, and excessive thirst. It also causes seizures, tremors, and abnormal heart rate in cats and dogs, increasing death rate.

Onion and garlic
These human-healthy foods contain unique compounds that cause gastroenteritis and anemia in cats and dogs. It can seriously damage the red blood cells in your pets, and symptoms include weakness, fatigue, and dark-colored urine. While nearly all dogs are susceptible to onion and garlic, the Japanese breed is more prone to health risks of consuming onion and garlic.

Avocados contain persin that causes severe stomach ailments accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, and heart congestion. The pit of the avocado is a dangerous choking hazard for cats and dogs. In case your pet has consumed it, make sure to call your vet immediately.

Grapes and raisins
Kidney failure in cats and dogs is the most common health ailment of consuming grapes and raisins. While the toxic substance in these foods is still unknown, it is always dangerous for your pets, and even the smallest dose can cause serious complications.

It’s a compound used as a sweetener in several products like chewing gum, candies, baked goods, and even toothpaste. If consumed, it can cause a potentially dangerous drop in your pet’s blood sugar levels and lead to liver damage. The initial symptoms are vomiting, lethargy, and loss of concentration and coordination. It can further lead to seizures, extreme liver enzymes, and other life-threatening complications.

Consuming salt can lead to sodium ion poisoning in your pets, and lead to vomiting, diarrhea, depression, and seizures. IT leads to excessive thirst and urination, and it can also cause death.

Macadamia nuts
Consuming these human-healthy nuts can cause complications like tremors, depression, weakness, and vomiting in pets. These signs can appear within 12 hours after ingestion.

Yeast dough
This food product can cause an excessive accumulation of gas in your pet’s digestive system. IT can lead to severe stomach pain, cause bloating, and become life-threatening. Yeast has a by-product called ethanol that can cause your pet to become drunk after ingestion. It can also rupture the stomach and the intestines, leading to dangerous complications.