Foods to Avoid for Asthma Sufferers

Foods to Avoid for Asthma Sufferers

Did you know that certain foods can aggravate your asthma symptoms? While there are no foods that can cure asthma successfully, there are some that can trigger this condition if you are not careful. Knowing the top foods that trigger asthma can help you protect yourself if you have been diagnosed with this condition. Here is a list of a few foods that you should avoid if you have asthma:

Dried fruits
You may be fond of garnishing cooked dishes with dried cherries and apricots but do you know these can trigger asthma flare-ups? Dried fruits typically contain sodium sulfite and potassium sulfite, which are meant to extend the shelf-life of these foods. However, these additives can be one of the causes of an asthma flare-up.

Beer and wine 
Different kinds of wines and beer are also ranked amongst the top foods that trigger asthma. This is because some wine or beer varieties contain problematic sulfites. Upon drinking a glass of wine, you may experience wheezing or coughing if you already have asthma. The histamines present in wines may also trigger sneezing, watery eyes, and wheezing.

Shrimp, whether cooked or frozen, can be hazardous to asthma patients, as they, too, contain sulfites. If you go out dining, you need to be careful about what kind of seafood you decide to eat.

You may enjoy your meals when they’re a tad spicy, but adding pickles can be a mistake. Pickled foods have sulfites to preserve them for long, as do foods like sauerkraut. Certain salad dressings may also be harmful if you have asthma symptoms.

Packaged potatoes
Mashed potatoes are a favorite with many kids, but if your child suffers from asthma, then be sure never to buy mashed potato mixes off the shelf. A close look at its ingredients will tell you that the mix has vegetable oil, salt, whey powder or non-fat milk, and preservatives such as sodium bisulfite. Instead, try and prepare potatoes in your home kitchen.

Maraschino cherries
Maraschino cherries may look dazzling and delicious, but they are far from safe for people with asthma, as they contain preservatives that can cause asthma flare-ups. Other bottled fruit juices and canned fruits, too, have preservatives that could trigger asthma symptoms.

Peanuts are known to cause allergic reactions in many people, and have the potency to trigger asthma flare-ups. Reports have shown that kids with peanut allergies may develop asthma-like conditions faster than those without such allergies. Such kids may also require hospitalization and administration of steroids if the symptoms get severe.

Studies suggest that salt may trigger asthma. Asthma takes place when airways get constricted and inflamed; and salt is capable of causing inflammation due to fluid retention. Generally speaking, asthma patients are advised against consuming excess salt. You should also remember that most restaurant foods, as well as processed and packaged foods, contain excess sodium.

Gas-causing foods
When you eat foods like cabbage, beans, and fried foods, and even carbonated drinks, you may experience gas and bloating. This, in turn, causes tightness in the chest, and may lead to asthma flare-ups.

Foods with salicylate
Some people with asthma may also be sensitive to salicylate, which is present in tea, coffee, spices, and herbs.