Car Safety Tips for Winter

Car Safety Tips for Winter

A lot of drivers have always faced numerous problems with their vehicles during the winter. This is the worst weather during which the roads are unfavorable. During the winter season, the number of accidents has considerably increased due to unstable snow and sleet.

Let us take a look at the most effective winter tire safety tips to help you get the safest driving experience possible:

  • Inspect your car tires at least once a month
    You should always make it a point to check your car’s tire pressure at least once a month. This is a precaution for the winter, as the tire pressure can get affected due to this season’s extreme temperatures. On average, tires lose around 1 PSI (Pound per square inch) every month. There are many reports that state that when there are changes of around 10º F in the temperature, there is a difference of about 1 PSI in the tire pressure. This is why it is imperative to check your car’s tire pressure to ensure that your tires are properly inflated.
  • Replace tires every six years
    You may never know when it is time for your tires to be replaced, and even though the duration might differ, they all will expire at some point. Tires that are old enough could be prone to wear and tear, especially during winter seasons, where the weather gets rough and unforgiving. This is why tires should be swapped every six years, even if you think they have enough tread left in them.
  • Use snow tires for the winter season
    A lot of people are confused between going for all-season tires or winter tires. When it comes to all-season tires, they are great for giving you a smooth ride in any weather condition. This type of tires is ideal for dealing with rare winter storms and light snow. However, please note that they are not meant to face harsh weather conditions like heavy snow and extreme winters when the temperatures hit below 45º F. This is where snow tires are much more useful than the all-season tires, as snow tires are designed to withstand rough winter conditions. The improved traction that these tires provide the driver with much better control while driving on icy roads. This is why using snow tires from November to February is a great idea, especially if you live in a town where rough winters are constant.
  • Use tire chains
    Winters can get pretty rough, and there is always a chance of your tires getting affected by the weather condition while driving. This is why it is essential to keep the use of tire chains. These can help give you the necessary traction. You will need to buy two pairs of chains; so that all four tires can be fitted with them. Ensure that they are the correct size for your tires and do not deflate your tires to install them. Always drive within the chain manufacturer’s recommended speed.

So, these were some winter tire safety tips that you should be aware of.