Best Foods For Eczema

Best Foods For Eczema

Eczema is a skin condition that causes irritation, itchy rashes, and blisters. It is quite common among young kids but can also affect adults. While it is believed to be due to heredity and environmental factors, there are some foods that can manage its symptoms and avoid flare-ups. Read on to know the top eczema-friendly foods that can prevent flare-ups.

  1. Fatty fish: Eczema flare-ups can be avoided by regularly consuming fatty fish like herring, salmon, or sardines. These are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that have anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Omega-3 foods: If you cannot consume seafood, you can always rely on plant-based omega-3 foods like chia, flax seeds, soybeans, walnuts, and Brussels sprouts.
  3. Quercetin-rich foods: Quercetin is a flavonoid obtained from plants and is responsible for giving fruits and vegetables their colors. Its antihistamine and strong antioxidant properties reduce inflammation and prevent flare-ups. Include onions, leafy greens, apples, peppers, and broccoli in your daily meals.
  4. Spinach: Dark, green, leafy veggies like these are some of the top eczema-friendly foods as they are a great source of iron and vitamin K.
  5. Broccoli: Broccoli is nutrient-rich and is an excellent source of vitamins A and C. It is potassium-rich and a strong antioxidant, capable of keeping cancers at bay. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it one of the top eczema-friendly foods.
  6. Probiotic-rich foods: Food containing probiotics or bacteria that improve intestinal health are yogurt, miso soup, and fermented drinks and foods like kombucha, kefir, and sauerkraut.
  7. Almonds: Almonds provide healthy fats to boost cardiovascular health. However, they are calorie-dense, and you should not consume them in excess. Almonds also have excellent anti-inflammatory properties, making them good for people with eczema.
  8. Avocado: This is another healthy fat, rich in antioxidants, and is an excellent source for many vitamins. Its inflammatory properties prevent eczema flare-ups. You can add avocados to your salad or make a guacamole dip.
  9. Berries: Berries, regardless of the type, are strong antioxidants and provide a great nutritional advantage. They are low in fat and calories and prevent inflammation.
  10. Grapes: Some citrus and tropical fruits are known to be high in sugar content, while grapes fall in this category also reduce inflammation.
  11. Tomatoes: These are rich sources of antioxidants and vitamins. They contain lycopene that has strong inflammation-fighting properties and is considered effective against cancers.
  12. Garlic: It helps prevent inflammation and boosts overall health.
  13. Olive oil: This oil, especially the extra virgin variety, has excellent anti-inflammatory properties and is a much healthier alternative for cardiovascular health than any other oil or butter. This is also why olive oil falls into the category of the top eczema-friendly foods.
  14. Whole wheat: Gluten, which is found in processed flour, can aggravate symptoms of eczema. So, whole wheat is the recommended alternative because of its anti-inflammatory and nutritious benefits.