4 Classic Cocktail Recipes

4 Classic Cocktail Recipes

A cocktail is a combinational beverage consisting of both liquor and an accessory such as fruit juice, cream, or flavored syrup. There are hundreds of cocktails that can turn an evening of normalcy into an entertaining night of memories. To help you, here four of the most easy-to-make classic cocktail recipes for entertaining your guests.


  • Recipe:
    • Fill ice in a cocktail shaker and pour in vermouth (½ fluid ounce), closely followed by the gin (4 fluid ounces).
    • Shake the cup for 30 seconds and pour it into a glass.
    • You can add an olive to garnish.
  • To get the best out of this classic cocktail recipe, serve it chilled in a martini glass.

Bloody Mary

  • This drink is one of the most popular cocktails currently.
  • It is often served at breakfast or brunch and is relatively easy to make.
  • Recipe:
    • 1 ½ cups of ice cubes
    • Tomato juice (4 fluid ounces)
    • Vodka (1 ½ fluid ounces)
    • Lemon juice (¼ fluid ounces)
    • Hot pepper sauce.
    • Worcestershire sauce
    • Salt and ground black pepper.
    • Fill a goblet or glass with ice and set aside.
    • Combine the vodka, tomato juice, lemon juice, hot pepper sauce, Worcestershire sauce, salt, and black pepper in a glass.
    • Stir it with ice until the mixture is chill.
    • Pour it into an ice-filled goblet and garnish with celery or any other vegetable of your choice.
    • You can alter the portions of the hot sauce, salt, and pepper based on your preference.


  • A margarita is a beverage that is easy to make in batches.
  • The simplicity of the process, along with its impressive taste, makes it one of the classic cocktail recipes for entertaining your guests.
  • Recipe:
    • Fill a blender with crushed ice.
    • Pour 6 ounces of frozen limeade concentrate and 6 fluid ounces of tequila into the blender.
    • Add two fluid ounces of triple sec and blend the mixture until it smoothens.
    • Pour the finished product into special margarita glasses.
  • You can add salt around the rim of the margarita glass to serve it in the best way possible!

Gin and Tonic

  • Gin and tonic, better known as G&T, is one of the best summer drinks.
  • This drink is a must-have at every bar and an absolute thrill for anyone who sips on it.
  • Recipe:
      • 4 cubes of ice
      • Gin (2 fluid ounces)
      • Tonic water (2 fluid ounces)
      • Fresh lime juice (1 tablespoon)
      • 1 lime wedge.
    • Fill a tall, narrow glass with ice cubes.
    • Pour the gin and the tonic water into the glass.
    • Add lime juice and stir well with a long spoon.
    • You can add a lime wedge for garnishing and serve it chilled.

These drinks are only four of the many classic cocktail recipes for entertaining a party. Using these recipes, you can serve your guests popular and memorable cocktails.